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June 21, 2007
City of Salem
Renewable Energy Task Force
Meeting Minutes
Thursday, June 21, 2007
7:00 pm

In Attendance:  Cindy Keegan (Chair), Rob DeRosier (V. Chair), Betsy Horne, Kristen Smith, Jeff Barz-Snell, Adam Segal, John Hayes, Rick Nye
Members not in attendance:  Nick Lewis

Public:  Darleen Melis, Tom Dalton, Lucy Edmudson, Lucy Murphy, Doug Gutro, Paul L’Heureux, John Giardi

Meeting Start:  7:00 pm  

Cindy opened the meeting with the announcement that Groom Construction/Energy was given approval from the Zoning Board of Appeals to erect a wind turbine on their property at 96 Swampscott Road.  

Community Energy Challenge
The group was introduced to representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who had attended the meeting to give a presentation on the Community Energy Challenge, a program administered by the EPA.  The representatives were Doug Gutro, Lucy Edmudson and Lucy Murphy.  Doug provided an introduction and introduced Lucy Edmudson who provided more details about the Community Energy Challenge.  She stated the goal of the program is to gain participation by local communities to improve energy efficiency and promote renewable energy in their municipal buildings.  She said communities will receive EPA recognition if they improve energy efficiency in their buildings by 10% over the course of the next few years.  Communities are also allowed to use data from prior years to prove energy efficiency.  Cindy had stated that the group has 2 years worth of data they may be able to utilize.  The EPA also has an intern available who will help with data collection and input.  The City will need to formally send a letter in to the EPA, signed by the Mayor, in order to officially join this program.  

City Electrician John Giardi said the City is currently working to install LED’s in all their traffic lights.  Currently, the LED’s are in all the red lights and in some greens.  The rep’s from the EPA advised John to call National Grid for advice and possible rebates on how to keep moving forward with this project.  John would also like to install LED’s in all the City streetlights.  John said that since 2004, the City most likely has already achieved the 10% in energy savings.  Rob had stated that the actions taken by John are commendable and would like to help him out as he moves forward.  Cindy stated that she would like to follow up with both John Giardi and Paul L’Heureux at a future meeting to discuss the energy conservation measures they have undertaken and made a motion to recommend to the Mayor that the City accept the Community Energy Challenge.  The group unanimously voted for it and Tom will work with the Mayor to sign the pledge and formally adopt the program.  

Solar Array Location  
Cindy stated that the City must designate both $9,000 from their Clean Energy Choice matching grants account and a staff member(s) to serve as the point person during the installation of the solar array with The Cadmus Group.  The City of Salem will also need to sign a letter officially accepting the solar array and agreeing to contribute the $9,000.  It was stated that the Massachusetts Technolgy Collaborative (MTC) does require some data back on the energy savings impact from the array.  

The group discussed the pros and cons of some of the different municipal buildings.  Darleen Melis stated that the roof in the high school is in great shape and would be a good place for the solar array.  Paul had shared with the group the roof plan of the high school.  He said there is a 60 by 60 foot area on the roof directly above the science labs which would accommodate the solar arrays.  He said this spot would also be good because they could then tie the arrays into the science labs at a low installation cost, whereas is the arrays were located at the Middle School, the installation costs would be more since the science labs are on the 2nd floor.  Darleen also mentioned that having the array at the high school would reach the entire student body.  After some debate, the group unanimously voted to recommend Salem High School for the location of the solar array.  

Wind Turbine Project    
Rob had stated that the group will need to come up with some good questions for Monday’s special meeting.  The group will be meeting with Chris Clarke from MTC and Tom Michaelman from Boreal about the wind turbine process.  Jeff will bring some wind maps to the meeting on Monday.  It was stated that the group will need to recommend to the Mayor and City Council to appropriate funds for next fiscal year’s FY09 budget.  

Betsy Horne brought to the attention of the group an email from a gentleman, William Tobin, who was looking for support for a micro combined heat and power system in a residential home.  The system, with net metering, can help a homeowner save 50% on his/her electric bill.  Although the group has no money/funding to provide this gentleman with, they would like to do a write up on the system if and when it is installed.

International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)
John will draft a letter of support from the group to the Mayor in order for the City to officially adopt the ICLEI program.  Cindy will check with Martha Broad of MTC to see if the $600 annual fee for the program can be supported with the City’s Clean Energy Choice matching grant account.  

Salem Housing Authority
Tom shared with the group a list of energy conservation measures the Salem Housing Authority has implemented since 2004.  The group had mentioned about including some of their measures into a future press release.  

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 25th at 7:00 pm

Meeting adjourned:  9:00 pm

Meeting minutes recorded by Tom Watkins

Action Items:  

·       Tom – draft letter to formally accept the EPA’s Community Energy Challenge.  Have Mayor sign it.  
·       Tom – draft letter to formally accept the 2kw solar array panel and have Mayor sign it.  Also, work on the budget and schedule timeline with Paul L’Heureux.  
·       RETF – come to Monday’s meeting with questions for MTC on the wind turbine project
·       RETF – follow up at a later meeting with John Giardi and Paul L’Hereaux on their recent and future energy savings initiatives.  Provide support for their efforts.  
·       John – draft a letter of support on behalf of the RETF which outlines the ICLEI program and asks the Mayor to officially support it.  Follow up with John Giardi on some data issues pertaining to this program.  
·       In regards to Mr. Tobin, Tom will notify Jason Silva of the RETF’s thoughts
·       Cindy will draft a letter to Mayor Driscoll on behalf of the RETF officially recommending their support to have the 2kw solar array panel at the high school